Benno Bokk Yakaar warns


Following the declaration addressed to the youth by former President Abdoulaye Wade, to burn electoral lists and polling stations, if his son Karim Wade is not a candidate, the Bennoo Bokk Yaakaar coalition expresses his indignation and strongly condemns these remarks of extreme gravity for a former President of the Republic of Senegal.

Such a declaration is a call for insurrection, popular uprisings and a flagrant violation of republican legality. Its sole purpose is to instill fear among the people to distract them from voting on election day.

Abdoulaye Wade is accustomed to facts. Everyone remembers his statement, after the defeat of the opposition in the last legislative elections: "the Senegalese Democratic Party (PDS) will no longer participate in elections organized by Macky Sall"!

The former president should know that the state will assume all its responsibilities and that force will remain with the law. He will ensure security and peace on the day of the presidential election of February 24, 2019. The Senegalese people of which BBY is one of the components will face any attempt to destabilize our country.

Done at Dakar, July 19, 2018
The Leaders' Conference

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