Beware of intelligent toys! | MARINE STÉPHANIE


The organization devoted to consumer protection has just completed a research report on these toys, which was unveiled Tuesday.

We are talking here about different types of toys, such as interactive stuffed animals, small dog or truck robots. Some answer questions, make custom movements, and invite children to talk to them. They own microphones, cameras and various other sensors.

The robot dog Chip reacts to his name, the robot-truck Cozmo recognizes the faces and the little creature Furby never stops agitating, cooing and chatting.

But to do all that, they collect a lot of data. The sound of the voice, the words of the little ones and the images they capture. Some even do geolocation.

This is where the problem lies. Option consommateurs believes that the privacy of children who use these toys is poorly protected.

Not only those who buy these toys are misinformed about what is being collected, but they do not know what the manufacturer is doing with this information. And then, this data can be diverted and hacked, adds the organization.

Significant security breaches have been detected on several toys in recent years. At the point where Germany even invited parents not to buy-and then to destroy-the smart dolls "my friend Cayla".

Option consommateurs therefore recommends to parents to be well informed before buying. Or even to choose something else to put under the tree: their study having also revealed that the children quickly tired of these toys, judging them repetitive.

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