BMCE BOA: New partnership with IFC


 BMCE BOA: New partnership with IFC
BMCE BOA: New partnership with IFC

The BMCE BANK OF AFRICA Group has just concluded with IFC, a member of the World Bank Group dedicated to the private sector in countries a $ 60 million portfolio guarantee agreement.

This funding will enable the Group to increase its financing to SMEs in 8 countries and thereby contribute to job creation and job creation. growth. This agreement provides for a 50% risk guarantee on a maximum portfolio of $ 120 million of financing for SMEs in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Madagascar, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Tanzania and Togo.

Half of the investment will be dedicated to supporting women's SMEs, as well as activities related to the fight against climate change: acquisition of efficient equipment for energy consumption, installation of small solar systems or of biomass, establishment of climate-smart supply chains in the agricultural sector, etc.

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