Book exhibition on China provides insight into the country (Minister)


Dakar, July 19 (APS) – The exhibition of books on China opened Thursday at the Museum of Black Civilizations is an opportunity for Senegalese to enrich their economic, political, cultural knowledge of this Asian country, said , the Minister of Culture, Abdou Latif Coulibaly.

"Today we have the advantage of receiving a beautiful exhibition of books that allow the people, all Senegalese citizens to refine their knowledge of China both from economic, political, and other points of view, "said Mr. Coulibaly.

The Minister presided at the Museum of Civilization, in the presence of the Chinese Ambassador to Senegal, Zhang Xun, the opening ceremony of the exhibition of books on China.

According to Abdou Latif Coulibaly, "these books that deal specifically with China's history, politics and culture can help strengthen relations between Senegal and China. "

" The purpose of this museum is to showcase all the richness and diversity black civilizations but also to be a place of knowledge, knowledge, research "noted Mr. Coulibaly who adds that" China has always participated in a remarkable way in the development of Senegal ".

By helping to build the Museum of Black Civilizations, China has, according to Abdou Latif Coulibaly, "allowed to make a thing happen, a reality that has been in the languages ​​since the World Festival of Negro Arts in Dakar. of 1966 ".

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