Brawl at Parcelles Assainies: An émigré beaten to death and abandoned in the street


Insa Sané was brutally attacked killed and then abandoned in the streets of Unit 20 of the Plots Assainies of Dakar by a group of young people from the locality. The deceased was in trouble with his tormentors who have persecuted him. They were all returning from a well-watered night out at a relaxing place in the area. We do not know, however, the motive of the fight between them. However witnesses say that Sané and his companions were yelling at each other and exchanging harsh words in the street according to Les Echos.

Sané brawls at night with a group of young people in the street and is abused The emigrant in England s' suddenly collapses writhing with excruciating pain and dying on the street. He had his right foot broken open eyebrow and a head trauma. Currently, murderers are wanted. The body of the deceased is still in the hospital for autopsy purposes.

Ngoya Ndiaye-Senegal7

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