Braya sponsors the "Emergence Night" of BBY women and excludes any idea of ​​transhumance


The coordinator of the Senegalese Democratic Party (Pds) in St. Louis was one of the sponsors of the Night of Emergence, organized the day before yesterday, Saturday by the women of Benno Bokk Yakaar. In addition to receiving these ladies from the presidential wing to express their support, Ameth Fall Braya sent a delegation to represent him at the demonstration. Enough for his detractors to say he has transhipped to the Alliance for the Republic.

A hypothesis that responsible for Unacois Jappo denies, according to his remarks reported by the Observer . " I am an opponent and they (the members of power) know it, not because they are on the other side that they must be our enemies. organize something in St. Louis that they think about Braya, I sent a delegation to magnify the organization, but also take note of what will be presented as Macky Sall's achievement.If there are any shortcomings, we we will denounce them "he explained, during a meeting with his activists.

" Macky Sall is a friend, I have always said it loud and clear: every time the state appropriates the concerns of the people to solve them, I am at its side. Once the state makes mistakes that can affect the lives of Senegalese, I will oppose and criticize "he added.

The departmental coordinator of the Pds reaffirms its commitment to liberal education and positions itself as a key element. " I am not and will not be an APR I remain anchored in the Pds and will be among the leaders who will seek the highest position of responsibility Nobody has as much political force or means as me to manage the party he insists I am not courted by anyone, I have a political force that can harm … Everybody needs me ".

Moreover, Aheth Fall would not have excluded an alternative if, however, Karim Wade's candidacy would not be accepted. " We will continue to fight legally and politically to ensure the candidacy of Karim Wade, but in case there are difficulties, we will have to find an alternative that would allow us to continue working. the WDP will have its candidate, if it is not Karim Wade, it will be another, we will not accept that there is no internal promotion.The candidate will leave the base, by primary or congress that will be organized "he said.

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