Budget of the Ministry of Justice: Ismaëla Madior Fall is reinforced by 1 billion


XALIMANEWS: The deputies proceeded on Thursday, in the calm vote of the budget of the Ministry of Justice.

That amounted to CFAF 41,191,255,944 for 2019, compared to CFAF 39,416,629,480 in 2018, an increase of CFAF 1,774,626,464 in absolute value and 4.5% in relative value.
This fund is broken down as follows: staff costs amount to 22,208,071,824 for 2019, compared to 19,657,258,480 CFA francs in 2018. For operating expenses, they are estimated at 8,203,422,120 CFA francs, for 2019 against 8 193 609 000 F CFA in 2018.
Transfer expenditure: credits allocated to current transfers amount to 2 629 762 000 CFA francs, for 2019 against 2 399 762 000 CFA francs, in 2018.

Capital Expenditures have decreased. They rose from 7,000,000,000 FCFA in 2019 to 766,000,000 FCFA in 2018. And for capital transfers they increased from 1,150,000,000 FCFA in 2019 to 1,100,000,000 FCFA in 2018, reports our colleagues in Pressafrik.

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