Cameroon: 9th edition of the Mboa BD festival: the dice are launched!


The ninth edition of the Mboa BD festival is from November 21 to 24 at the French Institute of Douala, then from November 28 to December 1, 2018 at the National Gallery of Contemporary Arts and the French Institute of Yaounde.

Often referred to as the 9th art, Comics is a series of drawings spread over one or more pages and intended to tell a story. In Cameroon, many designers have started to practice this ART.

This edition is under the theme "Comics and Multiculturalism". It is in this context of promotion of living together, integration and discovery of the other, and not exclusion that takes place the 9th edition of the Mboa BD festival.

Act One was launched on November 21st at the French Institute of Douala with screenings, youth drawing workshops, a round table, conferences, the sale and dedication of comics. The presentation of innovative projects in video games, comics, not to mention, B2B meetings that can lead to interesting partnerships. Then the apotheosis will be Yaoundé, political capital and city with seven hills, following the same program.

What is the Mboa BD Festival?

The International Comic Strip Festival of Cameroon is first and foremost a meeting place, a meeting between comic strip writers, the various actors of the sector (publishers, printers, institutions) and the public. The festival has put in place over the course of the editions of trainings allowing the draftsmen to know the basics of the profession of author, to understand the current stakes around the comic strip, its importance in the process of acquisition of the capacities of reading. The BD Mboa is also a place of promotion that gives visibility to the production of comics Cameroon to create a real cultural industry where professionals know each other and work together to offer a quality comic to a public in high demand. The Mboa BD is an important platform for exchanges, exchanges on comics and various trades around: graphics, video games, cartoon, cinema.

For its 9th edition, the MBOA BD Festival is under the theme of "comics and multiculturalism". Multiculturalism is an ideal that reconciles respect for the difference of each, acceptance of the difference of the other with the concern for societal cohesion and the promotion of universal values ​​and norms. Our world is today marked by globalization. A globalization supposed to unify us, to favor the free circulation of goods, capital, services, people, techniques, information and culture. But the much vaunted global village of the last two decades is facing a rise in nationalism, extremism and identity trends.

What can the artist, the author, do to promote multiculturalism and live together? Between the transformation of his society, the projection of a better future and propaganda, what choices are available to authors in difficult times?

This year, the MBOA BD Festival offers Cameroonian writers and their colleagues from abroad, to reflect on living together and cultural differences. Multiculturalism can be perceived from multiple angles by the author: the personal journey, commitment or treatment done through his work, the creative environment and so on.

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