Cameroon: debt follows its bullish trend


Estimated at CFAF 6,527 billion at May 31, 2018 by the Caisse Autonome d'Amortization (CAA), Cameroon's outstanding public debt is on a rising trend.

Indeed, the debt continues to climb, accounting for 32% of gross domestic product (GDP). It thus knows an increase of 1 108 billion compared to the same period last year, when it was 5 419 billion.

According to the CCA, the external debt is estimated at 4 956 billion CFA francs to end May 2018 against 4,027 billion CFA francs in the same period last year. Domestic debt stands at CFAF 1 571 billion at the end of May 2018, compared to CFAF 1 391 billion at the end of May 2017, according to the same source.

However, the state agency responsible for managing the public debt states that "with a debt ratio of 32% of GDP at May 31, 2018, the country meets the standard set in the CEMAC zone that allows a public debt ratio of up to 70% of GDP." [19659005] (function (d, s, id) {
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