Cameroonian Gordon Acha Appointed Managing Director of Local Branch of US Banking Group Citi


(Investing in Cameroon) – With his 23 years of investment banking experience in the United States, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Gabon and South Africa, Cameroonian Gordon Acha (photo) has just been entrusted with the reins of the local subsidiary of the American banking group Citi, we learn officially.

The new promoted knows the Citi he joined for the first time in 1998, before leaving the American investment bank for a one-year freelance at Banque Atlantique, in Côte d'Ivoire, which he joined in 2009. In 2010, he returned to Citi, where he headed the Ivorian and Gabonese subsidiaries.

His footprint at the head of these subsidiaries, will earn him to be appointed director of the division of the Countries of No Presence and the group of correspondent banking for Citi Africa, then of world director of the team of quality assurance at Citi ICG Utility Gro up, in North America.

Before joining the Citi teams, Gordon Acha, who holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Massachusetts and an MBA from the Suffolk University in Boston, USA, first worked in financial services companies in Boston, USA, including New England Financial and Investors Bank & Trust.


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