Campaign of misinformation and intoxication of the opposition: the MEER denounces


The Republican student movement in a statement deplored what it calls "a campaign of misinformation and intoxication orchestrated by the opposition for the sole purpose of deceiving the people. no opportunity to try to embrace the country in a sort of antithesis of our political current.This coalition of circumstance has a clear will to divert the opinion of the crucial questions which, today, punctuate the daily life of the Senegalese. the sky clears with a panoply of concrete achievements and that his Excellency President MACKY SALL gains more the sympathy of his fellow citizens, nihilists indulge at all costs to bring a flat praise mixed congratulations addressed to him by the Senegalese people
What the students of the MEER will never accept.
It would be good to look in the rearview mirror for not only make fun of those who tympanize us with frivolous, disjointed and insignificant words but above all to make it clear that those who hang pots and pans are ill-placed to give lessons.
Indeed, it would be a heresy to confuse the opposition marches of the time and what we are witnessing at this time. It is a pool of mercantilist individuals who defend the criminals of the republic.
It is incorrect to say that Senegal has retreated democratically. The reign of Wade, in addition to being sabbatical, bears the stamp of a fiasco of financial malfeasance and corruption attempts as evidenced by the case Alex Ségura. So it would be important to break the silence to administer a lecture to those opponents who have so far a limited idea of ​​the need for a march.
We march to defend a republic for a noble cause. Let's not forget this: The steps before the alternation challenged the collective conscience of the Senegalese, without exception. The old regime, through its playfulness and greed, had blatantly violated by forcing a candidacy too. Not to mention the special delegations that cost the lives of many Senegalese like Malick Ba, pious thought to our fellow student Mamadou Diop, shot in place of the obelisk by the deceased regime.
As many burrs that reason can not support have pushed the people to block the road to these criminals of the republic. There is a real gap between their illegitimate claims and ours, which were legitimate. No citizen of the country is associated with unjustified and insane claims. The current president is respectful of the sacrosanct principles on which our constitution is based. The latter is irreproachable in every way.
The president of the republic is hatching all major projects of his plan, the PSE. We set ourselves up as sentinels to support the President for the happiness of all Senegalese citizens. And we call on our party and the Bby coalition to mobilize and redouble their vigilance … "

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