CAN 2019: Morocco wants to steal the organization in Cameroon


Morocco could replace Cameroon in the organization of the 2019 African Cup of Nations, scheduled for June 7-30, 2019.

According to several Moroccan media, the Confederation of African Football plans to award the organization of the CAN 2019 in Morocco because of certain financial problems which retard the progress of the building sites in Cameroon.

During his last visit in Cameroon, the inspection commission of the Confederation of African football recorded several dysfunctions which have tainted the march of the construction works of the infrastructures envisaged by the specifications of the continental instance, indicate the same sources.
The commission sent by the CAF also received complaints from the workers working on the construction site of the large stage of Olembé. "This work slowed down because of a series of strikes due to the non-payment of the wages of these workers" specify the same sources.


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