Canada: Archipelago cut off from the world after a storm – World


A violent storm cut off Thursday virtually all communications between a Quebec archipelago of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the rest of the continent, causing major power outages, and the Canadian army was called in reinforcements.

"This is the kind of request we make when the provincial government's capacity is exceeded," Geneviève Guilbault, Quebec's Minister of Public Security, told the press, adding that the control tower at the airport is Iles-de-la-Madeleine was down. "I got from the federal government that a plane of the Armed Forces lends a hand tomorrow morning (Friday, Ed)," she said on Twitter.

Only a few satellite phones were able to maintain contact between this archipelago of 13,000 inhabitants and the rest of Quebec after two fiber optic links were cut at sea, according to the emergency services of the province.

Nearly 2,000 of the 7,000 homes on these islands were without electricity at the end of the day, several poles were torn off by winds up to 130 km / hour, according to the public corporation Hydro-Quebec. Twenty emergency teams from Hydro-Québec and other specialists were to be brought to the site on Friday by military aircraft.

At the height of the storm Thursday, a fire also destroyed a residence housing 19 elderly people, but without injuries, according to the authorities. (Afp / nxp)

Created: 30.11.2018, 04:14

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