Candidacy of the Pds: What Serigne Modou Bousso Dieng told Karim •


The religious guide, Serigne Modou Bousso Dieng, had a telephone conversation with Karim Wade to express his opinion on the situation related to the rejection of his registration on the electoral lists and the fact that he can not, thus,

In particular, he told him that the Senegalese Democratic Party must be realistic in appreciating the current situation.

He remains convinced that as long as Macky Sall is there, Karim Wade will not be able to do so. will not be a candidate. Because, according to him, the law is very clear: Art 31 of the Electoral Code is explicit and does not cite the offense of illicit enrichment. And so, as Madické Niang said, this would in no way suffice to exclude Karim Wade's candidacy.

So, he told Karim that we are no longer talking about law or law, but it is a question of balance of power and dictatorship

So he let him know that we must now appreciate the situation as it is and, above all, avoid falling into the trap of Macky Sall. He thinks it's not a question of anyone, but of principle, and that if Macky Sall takes Karim hostage, there are other people in the party who will take over.

Serigne Modou Bousso Dieng thinks that if the Liberals continue in their tussle with Macky over the Karim Wade issue for up to 6 months of election by deserting the field, it will not help.

As a result, the marabout thinks that if Macky releases, Karim will be restored to his rights. That's why, he advises him not to continue to follow Macky Sall who may have matured this strategy in order to entertain them.

Because, to believe it, if the Pds can not mobilize enough people to adhere to this cause, it will not be worth while to continue on this path.

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