Capitulation of the State vis-à-vis the lobby of the Koranic masters, indecent exploiters, talibé (By Mandiaye GAYE)


Oh yes ! The state has shamefully capitulated in its crusade against begging, the mistreatment of talibé, for the modernization of the Daaras, for political expediency, to those who live indecently of the exploitation of innocent small talibé. It's really a shame! In truth, there are certain Koranic masters, leagued with some Arabists who feel the danger of the imminent loss of their unlawful privileges if, however, the application of the salutary measures provided for by the State becomes effective. For this reason, they coalesce and maneuver with certain maraboutics not looking at all, on the serious deviations and manipulations of these Quranic masters, for strictly personal purposes.
So, knowing how much, the Muslims are sensitive to their religion, and even, at the limit, fanatic for some, these individuals, driven solely by the lure of gain, rush into this breach to exploit the religious fiber of non-impregnated laymen rules prescribed by the Muslim religion. The latter thus allow themselves to be abused and misled by these individuals. Individuals, whom some take for Saints, simply because they master the reading of the Koran. In Senegal, we all know the extreme sensitivity of all Muslims to their religion. That's why these individuals seize this opportunity as a blanket and brandish it as a formidable weapon and, thus passing for so-called, "uncompromising defenders of the Muslim religion". They use then, this fallacious pretext to oppose the modernization of daaras. Modernization which, according to them, is nothing more than a way of "fighting Islam in Senegal".
In truth, it is none of this. On the contrary, this cohort seeks, rather, only to preserve a power which provides, egoistically, privileges and interests under the guise of the Moslem religion. Interests that such people shamefully derive from their exploitation from the many children entrusted to them to learn the Qur'an, from parents, often irresponsible or fleeing their responsibilities to educate their own children, to failure to put them in public school.
At present, the state must take all its responsibilities to put an end to this slavery practice, specifically Senegalese, but which does not say its name and, also, has nothing to do with true Islam. Otherwise, only tarnish his image. Because, such a practice is totally foreign to it, because it exists, nowhere else, other than at home or, at most, in our sub-region. This system of exploitation talibé, a real economic enterprise, is so juicy in Senegal, that some neighboring countries come even to campaign. It is a real shame to violate the rights of the child and the totality of the human person.
And to have more children, at their disposal to exploit, these individuals also brand the argument, misleading that, public school is, for our children, a way of perdition. Because, according to them, it prevents those who frequent it, not to assimilate properly their religion and, consequently, not to be good practicing Muslims. Of course, it's fake! And, evidence, if it were needed, to prove the opposite of such allegations abound. In truth, those who advance such mystifications are none other than the beneficiaries of the system and live, thanks to their exploitation of talibé, depriving them of going to school. And, reliable statistics can prove, unquestionably, that today, the majority of Muslims in Senegal have not gone through the Daaras. And, they are not, however, less knowledgeable or good practitioners of their religion, than those who have transited.
Then, it must be pointed out that among the generous donors who, today, maintain, disinterestedly, mosques; help charity homes to live better, social poor, as well as modern Koranic schools in which talibé lead a decent life, the majority are not ndongo daara. And it is they who are part of the artisans who root and consolidate Islam in our country, without drum or trumpet. And, Muslims in this category are, by far, more numerous in Senegal than those from the daara, it is indisputable.
So, although they are cataloged as lost Muslims, forever, by religion, because or simply because they went through the French school or from her. And yet, in terms of constant benevolence in favor of religion, in general, the elements from the Daaras are counted on the fingers of the hand. That is why those people who think they are the only kind of Muslim in Senegal must stop, once and for all, their malicious campaign of denigration against other Muslims. God alone knows perfectly the best of us. Their pretentious campaign to find a place in the sun against those who are different from them by origin of entry and experience of religion, is blasphemous because, they are not, absolutely, invested by our Lord, the prerogative of to say who is good or bad Muslim. And, from the moral point of view, some of them are neither models nor examples in Islam, because of the numerous cases of indecent behavior on the children, in their custody. Behavior, quite contrary and condemned by Islam. It must be remembered to some that a person's faith has nothing to do with the school through which they have gone to educate themselves in life. On the other hand, faith is not transmitted by blood, and so is knowledge and social values. Yes, all this is cultivated and acquired by the will, the love, the individual self-denial and not by automatism or whatever?
This distressing image, a tragedy that really had to shame its author, is unfortunately only one of many in the country. And those who hold such daaras with such indecent spectacles are far from being moved or even remorseful, because for them, only the gain they derive from it. That is why the State must, with courage and determination, complete the modernization of daaras. This, for the well-understood general interest of the children and not for the greedy interests of a minority exploiting the children of others. Children, to whom one learns nothing but begging and having an uncertain future, because without a trade of any kind, during all this period which has been consecrated, entirely, only at the service of master.
But, who knows, if among all these brats who sleep under the rigors of this cold, without cover, there would not exist, within them, genies that sleep, that we are suffocating. Therefore, sleeping geniuses who risk, never flush, because of the negative restrictive conditions in which, unfortunately, these children live. In truth, it is a beastly treatment, because it is inhuman. And, surely, this master would treat, instead, differently, his own children. So, it is up to the state, under the present circumstances, to take all its responsibilities to put an end to this operating system, synonymous with slave treatment.
The 14/12/2018
Mandiaye Gaye

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