(Agence Ecofin) – The Casablanca Stock Exchange posted an overall trade volume of 8.89 billion dirhams ($ 920 million) in the first quarter of 2019, down 23% compared to the same period of 2018, according to a report published by the Moroccan Authority of Capital Markets.
Between the 1st January and March 31 of the current year, the shares traded on the central market totaled 5.06 billion dirhams against 9.10 billion dirhams during the same period last year. Trading in the central market accounted for 57% of the total transactions recorded on the Casablanca market during the period under review.
Over-the-counter transactions amounted to MAD 3.82 billion in the first three months of 2019, representing 43% of the total transactions recorded. Transactions in the bond market amounted to 287 million dirhams.
Undertakings for Collective Investment Schemes (UCITS) accounted for 42% of total transactions in the first quarter of 2019, followed by Moroccan legal entities (28%), foreign legal entities (18%) and individuals. Moroccan physical assets (8%).
The market capitalization of the Casablanca Stock Exchange was also 561.74 billion dirhams (58.05 billion dollars) at the end of March 2019, down 14.97% year-on-year.
Read also:
26/02/2019 – The Casablanca Stock Exchange should welcome one or two SMEs in 2019
03/01/2019 – The capitalization of the Casablanca Stock Exchange has melted of 5.21 billion dollars in 2018
19/11/2018 – Morocco: consumer goods specialist Mutandis to enter Casablanca Stock Exchange
21/12/2017 – Strong activity of Moroccan natural persons on the Casablanca Stock Exchange during the third quarter of 2017
10/10/2017 – Financial Group CFG Bank plans to enter the Casablanca Stock Exchange within two years
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