CDD MAGAL DE TOUBA – A fire springs from the central electrical box of the town hall and interrupts the meeting


Warning danger! More fear than harm, however. The central electrical box of the town hall of Touba suddenly caught fire this morning, while was held in the meeting room, the departmental committee of preparatory development at the Grand Magal Touba, under the leadership of the prefect of Mbacké.

When the alert was issued that there was a short circuit that caused flames that could easily spread, the room was urgently evacuated to prevent any eventuality. This provoked for many minutes the interruption of the session when the participants had already finished talking about the security and medical aspects. A close friend of the mayor, Mor Lô in this case, will try to minimize the scale of the incident, through a radio station.

This Cdd follows the Cld held the day before and during which it was much questioned the difficulties that meets the religious city of Touba during the magical period in the field of hydraulics.

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