Cedeao: The Assane Diouf trial / State of Senegal set for December 12 • Rewmi.com


The State of Senegal received, yesterday Wednesday, November 28, a convocation of the Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), located in Abuja (Nigeria), in the case Assane Diouf. The AS, who gives the information, indicates that the trial is set for December 12th.

Counsel for the defendant, My Wrapped Clédor Ly and El Hadji Diouf, had seized said court on November 13 for "mistreatment, detention now arbitrary and violations of the rights of their client. "
In his application, Assane Diouf, who asks to "be tried in time, claim the State of Senegal 500 million CFA francs" in compensation for damages (that have been) caused. "

Prosecuted for public insults and insulting a minister of religion, the public insulter will be tried in Senegal before the third correctional chamber on December 26th.

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