Cesc Fabregas hopes to convince Eden Hazard to stay in Chelsea – Transfers 2018-2019 – Football


TRANSFERS – Cesc Fabregas, Chelsea midfielder, paid tribute to teammate Eden Hazard on Friday, saying the Blues "needed" the Belgian international, who opened the door to a start. Enough to make him stay in London?

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Cesc Fabregas hopes to continue playing with Eden Hazard. The Chelsea midfielder praised his teammate this Friday. " We (Chelsea) are among the best clubs, we want to be part of the best teams, and for that we need the best players: Eden is one of them "explained the Spanish player. " Everyone appreciates it, the fans, the club, the players, and we need him ," he added.

Arrived at the Blues in 2012, Hazard declared after the Mondial 2018 that he was " can be time to discover something different ". The Belgian will be one of the big players in the summer transfer window, while Real Madrid, among others, seeks to replace Cristiano Ronaldo. After a disappointing season 2017-2018, finished in 5th place in the Premier League, the successor of Antonio Conte, Maurizio Sarri, wants to streamline the game of Blues. A new style that could suit Eden Hazard, under contract until 2020, and author of a very convincing World Cup.

Video – Forget about Chelsea and Real, Hazard would have changed destination


" It's a way of playing football that I think I enjoy really and with which I grew up, for players like me it can be a real advantage "enthused Fabregas, about the style of play that Chelsea could adopt. The Spaniard was speaking from Perth, Australia, where the London club is preparing to play its first pre-season friendly against Perth Glory on Monday.

" It's only been four days since I started, so I'm hoping to do the best I can, but I do not know how much our 'better' is now ," Sarri said on Friday. . Chelsea will then return to Europe, where the Blues will face Inter Milan on July 28 in Nice, Arsenal on August 1 in Dublin and Olympique Lyonnais on August 7 at home.

Video – Sarri: "Hazard is one of the two or three best players in Europe"


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