Charles Kié announces his departure from the Ecobank Group –


After having operated for the last three years a deep restructuring of Ecobank Nigeria and managed to bring the bank back to profits, the Ivorian Charles Kié would have made the decision to leave the Ecobank group.

Indeed, arrived at the head of Ecobank Nigeria in January 2016, in the middle of the economic crisis of the first economy of the African continent, the Ivorian had the difficult task of restoring the accounts of the largest subsidiary of the Ecobank group, the first international bank and the sixth of Nigerian market, which then had a total balance sheet of about $ 10 billion, a workforce of about 10,000 employees and a network of more than 500 agencies.

The bank recently released its 2017 accounts, which had a total balance sheet approximately $ 6 billion, an operating ratio of 51% and a profitability recovered of approximately $ 67 million ($ 19 million the previous year).

approximately 6,500 people and his branch network at 430.

Charles KIE joined Ecobank in London in 2011 after having been the Managing Director of Groupe Atlantique Atlantique


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