China will finance the second phase for 60 billion


The newspaper has this information from the Minister of Industry and Small and Medium Industries, Moustapha Diop, who visited the site of this platform.

'' After the first phase of the Diamniadio industrial park, on an area of ​​13 hectares, for a total amount of 25 billion CFA francs, financed from own funds, the Minister announced the start, soon, the second ' , reports the national daily.

The newspaper states that, according to Moustapha Diop, "the Chinese authorities have agreed to finance the second phase of the project with CFAF 60 billion".

"The agreement in principle has been given to us. The technical and financial offers have been validated and in a few days we will sign the commercial contract, "the minister told the newspaper.

The platform on which six companies have already set up, includes four hangars (three A type hangars of 7,920m2 and a 3600m2 B hangar).

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