Christiane Taubira, named "politician of the decade" by GQ


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by Helena Ergisi

today at 10:51

For the magazine GQ, the politician of the decade is a woman and it is the former Minister of Justice Christiane Taubira.

Like every year, GQ celebrated last night the men who have marked the year and the decade. While there are usually only men rewarded, the men's magazine made a small exception this time around. "Who would have enough panache and style to embody the politician of the decade? A woman, Christiane Taubira, obviously, the only political personality, all kinds, ticking all the boxes", justifies the editor-in-chief Beline Dolat.For the very first time, it is thus a woman who wins the price of the politician of the decade and it is the former Minister of Justice. A woman could not be more admirable whose magazine has not dried up praise. The ex-Keeper of the Seals has indeed been acclaimed for the law that bears his name and which opened in the spring of 2013 marriage to people of the same sex. "Christiane Taubira has valiantly fought to change the French society. Marriage for all remains the major societal reform of the beginning of this century", still considers the magazine.

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It decrypts the #MeToo movement

Thanks to the reform of marriage for all, Christiane Taubira keeps a very expensive place in the heart of the French. Asked by the magazine GQthe former Minister of Justice took the opportunity to take stock of the #MeToo phenomenon and regrets that "the official political speech" is not up to the mobilization of associations and citizens. "Do not take #MeToo in isolation, you must actually include it in the story of a claim, a requirement, a collective interpellation. I think it is a turning point, which is linked to two things: the first is the words of these women who rise with such force, these women who openly dare, despite the opprobrium, "I say that "," I proclaim that "," I denounce "," I refuse "; then there are these technological means that allow unprecedented amplification of speech …", says the Frenchwoman.

According to Christiane Taubira, the government is not up to date and does not carry enough movement. "More interesting than my opinion on the government, it is certain that the political powers, in France but also elsewhere, are all questioned. Ours is perhaps a little more than the others, because we think that our story is a little more beautiful than the others, which we represent, which is true, more than the others in the world. universal imagination: France's homeland of human rights, the country of arts and letters etc. But, undeniably, we are not up to the task."she concludes.

by Helena Ergisi

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