Cinema / VOYAGE TO YOSHINO by Naomi Kawase
After Les délices de Tokyo, the Japanese filmmaker's new film takes us in the wake of her heroine in search of a rare medicinal plant. The quest for the past, references to Japanese culture and beliefs, the quest for mystical fusion with nature filmed as ever. A film of rare poetic beauty …

If the "fans" of the filmmaker will not be surprised to find his favorite themes including his film The forest of Mogari (2007) and his long sequence shots described the feeling of mystery and the mystical and fusional enchantment that transformed individuals, bewitched by it. In The Forest of Yoshino that surrounds the city of Nara, where Jeanne the French (Juliette Binoche) arrives in her quest for a rare medicinal plant whose legend says that she heals « the evils and wounds of humans ". These wounds, whose traces of the memory of a first love of youth, remained still alive twenty years later. Finding this plant whose legend attached to it could "heal" her wound, has become an obsession for Jeanne whose heartbeat seem to grow, shaking her heart in osmosis that contact the first tremors of the forest she discover. At the heart of it whose time has perpetuated the natural renewal over the centuries, and the village it surrounds which many visitors used to take the path
of the temple and places today deserted because of the modern road and the tunnel built below which avoids the village. An old elder deplores him besides in a beautiful sequence where he evokes this activity of the old times, and the ransacking of " Western modernism Imported which modified the " time and way of life " Japanese . That, explains the filmmaker where " the notion of time is crucial and today time eludes us, unlike traditional Japanese arts which take their time … "…

It is the feeling of this "malaise" that is at the heart of the film and the story, including the quest for openness, news era in which humanity can register "Says the filmmaker. His film, through the quest of Joan and her characters, refers to this essential question that runs through societies today concerning the destiny of our planet, including the exhaustion due to the modern way of life, leads to a point of non-return confronted with global warming with the increasing natural disasters. It is an immersion in this feeling, via the search of Jeanne her heroine, whose filmmaker, we propose to explore the imbalances. Those of the loss of an osmosis between man and nature, of which modernism has finally cut the umbilical cord of survival, that which binds man and the nourishing earth. Beautiful sequences that illustrate it in the heart of the relationship that is tied, through the quest of Jeanne, in the heart of encounters and the immersion of the characters in this nature they are brought to perceive, in unison and in fusion with it , the tremors heralding future destruction. But also, through the power of rebirth of which it has survived for millennia, can leave the door open to hope. " I am here to cure the forest"Tomo (Masatoshi Nagase) will tell Jeanne that he welcomes his home in the heart of it. Because, adds the filmmaker to illustrate her point: " modern man to the illusion of knowing this world. But what is important is under our feet! »». It is with this one that the "old" ones knew how to live in harmony. Why can not we? . After his exciting excursion into urban life with To the light (2017) and The delights of Tokyo (2015), Naomi Kawase, extends in a way here, his return to nature as a nod to his film " to the light From this forest, going to draw from it in her past, as in that of Jeanne, seeking her "her" saving light …

The meeting of this old blind lady who sees with his heart "Exploration via sequences and their references to shamanism, offer via the direction of the filmmaker bewitchment to the viewer immersed in the heart of mystical visions where poetry creeps. Especially since these are based on sublime images, offering the perception of the sounds of nature, the breath of the wind that swells the leaves and branches of trees, those of animal life, the light and shade of undergrowth, its flora, the colors of the leaves exposed to the sun. Naomi Kawase turns herself into a painter of nature, and knows how to wait for hours to offer the symbolic and sublime image of a feeling. She also knows how to convey the feeling of osmosis, between a body hugging the trunk of a hundred-year-old tree, in the same way that, during her walks, her faithful dog and her flair, allows her master to discover secrets of undergrowth, fauna and flora and medicinal plants whose ancestors knew how to profit. Jeanne will also experience it to which the ghosts of her memories, will confront her by trying to find the appeasement she came looking for. The osmosis – to which will be joined the mysterious young and handsome young man (Takanori Iwata) found wounded in the forest and collected by the forester – will make his way through the disorder of this young face that will come to revive Jeanne the memory of the lover of his twenty years, amplifying the scar of the deep wound that persists, and the need to find a cure ..
Be captivated by the staging of sublime images, they will not fail to take you with them to the heart of the intimacy of its heroes. But also in the heart of a nature whose filmmaker invites us to reflect on the need to learn to live with her. This is a very big film that Naomi Kawase signs. Do not miss it …
(Etienne Ballérini)
TRAVEL TO YOSHINO by Naomi Kawase – 2018- Duration: 1 hr 40_
With / Juliette Binoche, Masatoshi Nagase, Takanori Iwata, Mari Natsuki, Mirai Moriyama, Tanaka Min, Minamai, Kazuko Shirakawan and Jiji Boo.
LINK: Trailer of the movie: Naomi Kawase's Journey to Yoshino.
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