Closure of Auchan: Alioune Sarr flees the debate •


The Minister of Commerce, Alioune Sarr, avoids the debate Auchan. "I told you that I came to launch a platform, you can not deflect me," he told reporters. I like you, but I'm just launching an online platform. In other places and other places, we are talking about something else. There are young Senegalese who have launched a platform that allows 3 thousand products to be sold. We must encourage them. The minister adds, "Today, we have to adapt. The consumer is today a mobile consumer, demanding and has choices. From your cell phone today, you can request the type of mobile phone. So, if you have several products on the platform, there is competition today among the producers. That's what you need to work on and not about other things. The government is vigilant and the government will always remain vigilant.

Alioune Sarr was speaking on the occasion of the launch of the electronic platform "Yessal njaay". On the assets of Unacois / Yessal, the online sales platform aims to "drive and promote local products."

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