Collective for justice and against police violence: By the denial of justice, Macky Sall gives the license to kill (by Guy Marius Sagna)



By denial of justice, Macky Sall gives the license to kill

The Collective for justice and against police violence (made up of families of victims of violence by the police and democrats) strongly denounces the stance of the State of Senegal which after killing Senegalese citizens prevents justice from saying the right on these cases.

No arrest or judicial investigation open for the following serious cases:

– Abdoulaye Timéra (overturned by an identified police car driving in a forbidden direction on the Centennial Alleyways),

– Seck Ndiaye (tortured to death by five policemen),

– Pope Sarr (he will die after being tortured by Thiaroye police)

-Fallou Sene dead from a bullet during a student demonstration

-Ibrahima Mbow, shot dead during riot at Rebeuss MAC

The deaths of Seck Ndiaye and Pope Sarr are the most scandalous because occurring after torture. Recall that the State of Senegal has ratified conventions against torture. Within 24 hours, there were to be arrests in the cases Abdoulaye Timera, Seck Ndiaye, Pope Sarr, Ibrahima Mbow. By refusing to make these arrests, the state gives the police a license to kill until the presidential election of February 24, 2019.

When the young gold digger Yamadou Sagna was murdered by customs officers, the Saraya people had vandalized the gendarmerie and customs premises. The state had arrested customs officers and open judicial information. Does the State of Senegal want to push Senegalese citizens to do so?

The Collective strongly denounces the attitude of the State of Senegal and demands the arrest of the guilty of these murders and the opening of judicial information.

The Collective suspects President Macky Sall of trying to gain time and not wanting to send law enforcement officers to prison to be able to fully mobilize them by the next presidential election of 24 February 2019. The second term of office of a Past President can not be more important than the need for justice of the victims and their families.

The Collective for justice and against police violence does not exclude to seize the committee of the United Nations and the ECOWAS so that justice is rendered.

The Collective denounces the irresponsible speech that imprisoning members of law enforcement who killed citizens would increase insecurity. On the contrary, insecurity is to surround with impunity killings committed by law enforcement. Equally irresponsible is the rhetoric by state authorities of pushing human rights organizations tormentors Police forces. Members of the security forces who instead of protecting the citizens kill them, can not claim their own turpitude.

The Collective welcomes the opening of judicial information on the cases of Elimane Touré (murdered in the Port police station) and Omar Watt (assaulted by a French soldier). The Collective calls nevertheless families to vigilance on these two cases.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Guy Marius SAGNA email: [email protected] Tel: 77 524 94 41

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