Commerce: Washington denounces lack of Chinese reforms, threatens to tax auto


Washington, Nov. 28, 2018 (AFP) – The Trump administration on Wednesday lamented the lack of China's trade policy reforms and threatened to tax cars from the Asian giant.

"At present, China has not come to the table with proposals to significantly reform its business practices," said Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer in a statement.

He also denounced the Chinese customs duties of 40% imposed on American cars. "This is more than the 15% rate that China imposes on its other trading partners … In accordance with a request from the President (Donald Trump), I will examine all the tools available to equalize tariffs imposed on the car, "he said.

Chinese car imports, however, represent a marginal share of total car imports in the United States.

Robert Lighthizer recalled that the US President continues to denounce Beijing's trade policy "which is causing serious damage to US companies and workers".

These comments come as Donald Trump meets with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires this weekend, where they will discuss trade.

With China, "the president believes that there is a good chance to conclude an agreement and he is open to this possibility," said Tuesday Larry Kudlow, senior advisor to the US president.

However, he stressed that such an agreement is still subject to certain conditions: the protection of intellectual property, the lifting of tariff and non-tariff barriers or the forced transfer of technology from foreign companies established in China.

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