Cooperation: World Bank Representative Supports New Partnership Plan


The new framework of partnership with the Congo that Korotoumou Ouattara wants to inspire will be inspired by the two strategic priorities of the National Development Plan (PND) 2018-2022. This basic document includes the development of human capital through investments in health and education and the process of diversification of the national economy including support to the private sector.

The adoption of the new NDP 2018 -2022, according to the new representative of the World Bank (WB), is excellent news not only for its institution but also for the entire Congolese population. " The PND defines the framework of the actions to be carried out by the government for the development of Congo. It is also these activities that the WB will support in its own framework of partnership that we are going to put in place "she said.

For her first meeting with the Congolese authorities, the new representative of the The WB Group met on 16 July in Brazzaville with the Minister of Planning, Statistics and Regional Integration, Ingrid Ebouka-Babackas. During this brief interview, the two personalities emphasized above all the great potential of Congo / BM cooperation. " We are here to support the Congolese people in their development process ," assured Korotoumou Ouattara.

The WB is one of Congo's main technical and financial partners. At a time of economic crisis, it is increasingly sought for social safety net projects, including support for economic diversification, budget support, macroeconomic and public sector reform. These are, among others, the challenges that await the replacement of Djibrilla Adamou Issa.

The Ivorian economist, Korotoumou Ouattara, will use his long experience accumulated during his previous posts in Africa and South Asia, in private sector development, investment climate, financial inclusion including microfinance, rural finance, small and medium enterprises, insurance, pensions and pensions, and housing finance. 19659002] As a focal point for Niger, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, Korotoumou Ouattara helped to advance dialogue with the authorities and expand the portfolio of WB activities in these countries. Prior to joining the WB group in 1998 as a financial sector economist in the Africa region, she was a former researcher at Ohio State University in Columbus, USA, where she obtained his doctorate in development economics

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