Corruption is "a threat to the rule of law", says Marième Samb Fall


Marième Samb Fall, head of the wealth declaration department at the National Office of Fight against Fraud and Corruption (Ofnac) argued on Wednesday, July 11, 2018 that corruption "constitutes a real threat against the rule of law

"Corruption poses a real threat to the rule of law because it contributes to weakening the institutions," explained Ms. Fall, speaking at a workshop organized by Ofnac on Fraud, corruption and the declaration of assets.

According to Mrs Fall, who calls for a change of behavior for the advent of the principles of good governance, "corruption installs the imbalance in the society and must be fought by all segments. "

She recalls that Ofnac plays a role of prevention and fight against corruption, which led him to set up an awareness raising program. to promote good governance, without which no emergence can be viable.

"No country will develop without these principles of good governance, which are transparency, accountability, accountability," he said. Ms. Fall, inviting people to get closer to Ofnac to immerse herself in her missions.

She points out that some people were reluctant to comment on the heritage declaration, which was not good. known, and Ofnac strives during its missions to explain them.

The Deputy Governor in charge of development pointed out that the option of the authorities for the promotion of the principles of good governance, which is irreversible, materialized by the signing of agreements in the direction of results-based management.

He stressed the urgency, at the level of the Louga region, to find a solution the throbbing question of good land governance, often evoked through the media


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