Cost of the toll motorway: The silences of Bara Tall


In his fight, the Ccuap had the support of Bara Tall, the CEO of Talix group, one of the unfortunate candidates for the completion of the toll highway. Fusing the cost of the book, Mr. Tall assured reporters that he would have been able to make the same work cheaply, giving as an example what he had produced on the first section of the book. However, it has been widely shown that Mr. Tall underestimated his costs, which were not less per kilometer, than those produced by Eiffage.
Moreover, Mr. Tall, who never hesitates to put in question the responsibility of the State in the costs of construction of the highway, remains surprisingly silent on the favors that were made to him by the government, especially to allow him to resume the work of the road Fatick-Kaolack that s was degraded even before its official reception. What had been a big bone of contention between his company and the government of Abdoulaye Wade, at the very time Macky Sall was Prime Minister.
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