CSR executives and leaders trained on the ISO 26000 standard in Cameroon – VivAfrik


The abilities of executives and managers to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its challenges for the company will be strengthened through training based on the ISO 26000 standard and the deployment of CSR in the African context. and July 27, 2018 in Douala, Cameroon. Moreover, during the training course, it will be necessary to define a methodology for the elaboration, implementation, monitoring and communication of a CSR approach in order to position it as a performance tool for the company. [19659002TothisendfourtrainingmodulesareplannedFormulatedaroundtheISO26000standardtheywillfocusonthehistorydefinitionandchallengesofCSR;CSRconstraintsandopportunitiesforbusinessesinAfrica;theCSRstrategyandoverallperformance;thecasestudyandthebenchmark

As a reminder, the ISO 26000 standard relates to the social responsibility of organizations. It has been published since 1 November 2010 and defines how organizations can and must contribute to sustainable development

Moctar FICOU / VivAfrik

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