7145 companies were created in the Ivory Coast from January to June 2018 compared to 6267 from January to June 2017. The average number of companies created per day from January to June 2018 is 67 to 56 per day in the first half of 2017, said Mr. Essis, which presented CEPICI's 2017 and mid-term 2018 balance sheet at a ceremony
With regard to the sectoral distribution of companies created in the first half of 2018, the head of CEPICI indicated that they are in the same category. service delivery (47%), commerce (29%), construction (13%), other (transportation, education, communication 10%) and industries (1%).
According to Mr. Essis, the environment business is competitive in the country and is constantly improving with a focus on dematerialization.
The attractiveness of the Ivory Coast is maintained with a growth in foreign direct investment. The promotion of national entrepreneurship is strengthened, he was pleased, pointing out finally that the dematerialization of our services and actions, will allow Cte d'Ivoire to make a qualitative leap in indicators such as the Millnium challenge corporation (MCC) and Doing Business
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