Cyclical school crises: "heavy and massive" investments to catch up (Minister)


Ziguinchor, July 8 (APS) – Minister of Labor and Social Dialogue Samba Sy said Sunday in Ziguinchor (south) that the Senegalese state has taken the option of "heavy and massive investments" to make up for several decades of crisis in school space, in order to put things back in place. "

'' To understand the school crisis, we should go back to the reasons for this crisis. We often used couriers to correct the problems. We have catch-ups to be done over decades, "he explained.

The Minister of Labor, Social Dialogue, Professional Organizations and Institutional Relations has been in Ziguinchor since Thursday, where he is conducting a number of activities together with administrative authorities, elected officials, trade unionists and school actors. [19659002]

On Friday, he carried out a field visit to the regional services of the Senegal Pension Fund Institution (IPRES), the Social Security Fund (CSS), the Regional Labor Inspectorate and the other establishments under the supervision of the Ministry of Labor

On Saturday, Mr. Sy presided in the rain, an official ceremony of delivery of "school kits" to the best students of the school group Boucotte South and Nema, in the municipality of Ziguinchor.

'' We want motivated students. We do not want temporary shelters anymore. All this implies heavy and massive investments. The President of the Republic understood this by taking a series of measures in this direction. This has contributed to the sharp lull in school space, "he told a crowd of students, parents and teachers.

million. Sy, who is also the president of the Independence and Labor Party (PIT, the presidential movement), intends to translate in a concrete way the policy that aims to promote excellence in schools.

Samba Sy, who presided at a football final on Saturday, led a public lecture on Sunday morning on "the stakes of the emerging Senegal Plan (PSE) in the economic development of Casamance", at the Lyndiane youth hostel, a popular district of Ziguinchor.

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