Daily newspapers have the presidential line of sight


Dakar, Nov. 28 (APS) – The inauguration of Macky Sall as candidate of the Socialist Party (PS) and Alliance of Forces of Progress (AFP) in the presidential election next February and the responses of the Minister of the Interior, Aly Ngouille Ndiaye, to the concerns of deputies of the opposition, interest the newspapers reached Wednesday at the APS.

The incumbent President of the Republic was officially invested on Tuesday by these two political parties, members of the ruling coalition, Benno Bok Yakaar (BBY), during extraordinary investiture congresses.

"The BBY machine is racing," summarizes Investigation about these investitures all over the place. Focusing first on that of the PS, the newspaper evokes "a contrasting image of an outgoing president fed by the liberal sap that is being invested by the Greens".

"The investiture of Macky Sall by the comrades of Ousmane Tanor Dieng in the legendary room Léopold Sédar Senghor of the House of the party marks a break, because it is the first time in forty years of existence that the PS invests a candidate not from his ranks, of liberal obedience in addition '', said the newspaper whose one is illustrated with a photo of the secretary general of the PS and President Sall hand in hand, greeting supporters.

The Witness also emphasizes these investitures by reporting the testimony of the President of the Alliance for the Republic (APR, in power) against the leaders of the PS and AFP. Speaking of Niass, Macky Sall praised the "exceptional dimension" of a statesman while the leader of the PS, he insisted on "the exemplarity of his courage and his political fidelity".

'' Congressional despite '', is the title chosen by Le Quotidien to report on these investitures. The publication hesitating in its columns to qualify "historic" the decision of the PS to invest Macky Sall as a candidate of this party in the presidential election of February 24.

The demonstrations of investiture which are multiplying to carry the candidacy of the outgoing head of state undoubtedly pushed the Observer to post on its front page: "Macky invested by all the powers".

"The Socialist Party and the Alliance of Forces of Progress are voting for Benno Bokk Yakaar's boss. At the same time he won the support of the Federation of Ulema in Senegal, as well as that of the 266 village chiefs of Fatick, "the newspaper said.

Other newspapers are part of the preparations for the next presidential election, reporting on the responses of Interior Minister Aly Ngouille Ndiaye to the requests and other concerns expressed by the opponents during the examination of the budget of his office. Ministry for the 2019 financial year.

This is so South Daily under the title '' Aly Ngouille Ndiaye clarifies the game ''. "Until today, it is I who will organize the elections. The electoral file is coherent, of good quality and solid for the organization of a good election, "Ndiaye assures in comments reported by the newspaper.

On this subject the daily L'AS points out that the Minister of the Interior remained "intractable" on the concerns of the opponents, with regard to the general file of the voters, the organization of the elections and the rejection of the inscription Senegalese Democratic Party (PDS) declared candidate Karim Wade on the electoral lists.

'' Aly Ngouille Ndiaye classifies everything '', adds Source A about maintaining the position of the Ministry of the Interior on requests for the appointment of a neutral personality to organize the elections, the provision of the general file of voters among others.

Solo, Le Soleil has focused on a public release of the President of the Republic about the debate on the "respect for the principles of ethics in research and the monopoly of patents that deprives access to drugs to drugs. millions of people around the world ''.

'' Raising the monopoly on patents '', thus shows the newspaper in its head by repeating the remarks made by Macky Sall at the opening of the first Gallien Forum in Africa at Diamniadio.


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