Death of Saliou Sarr at the Thiaroye police station: the young lawyers' association "strongly condemns"


Dakar, July 23 (APS) – The Association of Young Lawyers of Senegal (AJAS), through the voice of its president Ousmane Thiam, said on Monday condemning "with force" the death of young Saliou Sarr, in a row to "ill-treatment" of which he was alleged to have been subjected to police custody at the police station in Thiaroye, in the greater Dakar suburbs.

"It is clear from the testimony given that torture and ill-treatment were alleged to have occurred These facts, if proven, are extremely serious and require the exemplary response of the judicial authorities to ensure that such acts of barbarity do not go unpunished, "said Mr. Thiam

He urged the public prosecutor to take up this case at a press briefing, so that "efficient measures can be taken to ensure that the light is made and that the perpetrators are punished by the police. because of their despicable action ".

According to its president, the Association of Young Lawyers of Senegal "undertakes to provide all the necessary assistance to the family of the victim in his quest for justice".

For this purpose, two lawyers have already been appointed to defend the interests of the family of young Saliout Sarr, announced Ousmane Thiam, before asserting that the AJAS "strongly denounces and condemns the recrudescence such inhumane acts "attributed to agents of the public force.

In his view, "torture, violence and the violation of human rights in places of deprivation of liberty as well as in university space can not be erected in good standing, especially if such acts are attributed to order. "

Especially since the rights of the defense and the presumption of innocence are enshrined and guaranteed by the Senegalese Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, he recalled.

"The presence of the lawyer at all stages of the judicial process, especially as soon as the interpellation, provided for by the WAEMU regulation, concerning the harmonization of the legal profession, is a fundamental guarantee respect for individual rights, "he said.

He also said he demanded, on behalf of the AJAS, "the respect of this measure by all the agents of the police force so that the security and the physical integrity of any person questioned can be ensured in an optimal way" .

The Association of Young Lawyers of Senegal, in its struggle for the respect of human rights, "has set up a toll-free number, which will soon be effective, to collect all complaints relating to acts of torture on the part of the investigating agents, so that the appropriate measures are immediately taken, "said Ousmane Thiam.

In this context, the AJAS "invites all the population as well as all the competent authorities, first and foremost the head of state, to take the necessary measures to restore Senegal's coat of arms". respect for human rights, concluded Mr. Thiam.

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