Demonstration of merchants from the Thiaroye market: "Auchan clears!"


To protest against the proliferation of Auchan supermarkets in Dakar, merchants in the Thiaroye market set up a movement called "Auchan dégage" and promised to organize a march later.

The "Auchan" Movement clears " , composed of traders and traders of the Thiaroye market, met yesterday to deplore the establishment of this French group through Dakar. They treat Auchan Senegal as a "foreign economic predator, just to stall their economic". "This group is setting up supermarkets all over this country, in the suburbs as in other localities. We will face this proliferation. Because, we will not allow the establishment of an Auchan store here in this market. Better, we will organize a march against Auchan, "said Mame Diarra Mbaye, at a press conference. The traders thus call the state.
Applying prices deemed cheaper, Auchan supermarkets even attract customers with low purchasing power. Which in the eyes of market traders Thiaroye may harm them.
They took the opportunity to denounce the very advanced state of degradation of "Route 103" market, which flooded, after only a few Raindrops recorded last week. They claim the repair of this section which, since 2000, is in a sorry state. "We are tired, since 2000, we are asking for the repair of this road. Freight trucks have all the difficulties to deliver the goods, "fumbles the shopping Mame Diarra Mbaye
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