Depeche – Dominique Crenn, first female chef to obtain three Michelin stars in the United States



The French head Dominique Crenn became Thursday the first woman in the United States to be awarded three stars in the prestigious Michelin Guide, for the restaurant "Atelier Crenn" she opened in San Francisco (California) in 2011.

"Atelier Crenn is one of the most followed restaurants this year, with a first-rate experience at each of our visits.The current menu displays an extraordinary mix of grace, artistic talent, know-how and taste", summarizes Michelin in a statement.

The head shines especially since another of its San Francisco establishments, called "Bar Crenn" and specialized in proofreading classics of French cuisine, wins a star in the 2019 edition of the guide.

"This is a great recognition, for my team above all, and for all the work we have done for so many years," Dominique Crenn told AFP by phone.

"It's not so much the stars as the work you're dedicated to all your life, and it's a pleasure to be recognized for it," said the 53-year-old, who celebrated the award with "much rosé ", and champagne for his team.

"I want this incredible team that has been with me for a long time to benefit from this great moment, I may be the designer but they are the ones who work every night," she said.

– "Nothing to do with gender" –

Dominique Crenn also hopes that this distinction will be able to serve as inspiration to all the young women, that they are destined to the kitchen or to another trade.

"I tell them today: + You can become what you want +, it has nothing to do with the genre (…) Do not let anyone get in your way!"

"SingleThread", another restaurant in northern California, also received three stars.

"The culinary scene in San Francisco is exploding right now … The Crenn Workshop and SingleThread teams can be particularly proud because our inspectors were very impressed by the quality of the products used in the composition of their dishes. If we add meticulous attention to detail, creativity and their desire to delight their customers, it allows them to always offer guests a memorable dining experience, "said Gwendal Poullennec, International Director of Michelin Guides.

Born in France, Ms. Crenn says she inherited her interest in cooking from her parents, who were fine gourmets. She began her education in San Francisco in 1988, before taking over the kitchen of the Intercontinental Hotel in Jakarta in 1997.

She returned to California shortly after, where she worked for several years at a restaurant in Manhattan Beach, near Los Angeles.

It was in 2011 that she opened the Crenn Workshop in San Francisco, quickly gaining a star, then a second.

Dominique Crenn was voted "best woman leader of the world" in 2016, a reward against which she had also insurgent, deeming "stupid" to establish such a distinction in his profession.

© 2018 AFP

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