Diamniadio Industrial Park: A 25 billion jewel • Rewmi.com


The Diamniadio Industrial Park will certainly house many unemployed youths. Who, for a long time, have struggled to find a place in the sun. In addition to its vocation to become the economic future of the country, this industrial sector will offer job opportunities to young graduates. And according to the Minister of Industry and Small and Medium Industries, 25,000 jobs are expected in the said Industrial Park. Moustapha Diop: "President Macky Sall understood early on that Senegal's development will be based on strong, inclusive and job-creating industrialization. Moreover, industry is the backbone of Pse. The Diamniadio Industrial Park covers an area of ​​53 ha, for a financing amount of 85 billion FCfa. A total of 25,000 jobs are expected in this industrial park. "

According to the minister, the first phase of the Diamniadio Industrial Park is completed on 13 ha. With financing of 25 billion CFA francs financed by the State of Senegal. This phase includes three Type A hangars of 7,920 m2 and a Type B hangar of 3,600 m2 as well as an administrative building. And for this first phase, recruitment has started, it just remains the commissioning and operation of the Diamniadio Industrial Park. "For the second phase, during our trip to China, we negotiated financing with the Chinese authorities to the tune of 60 billion FCFA. The agreement in principle has been given, the technical and financial offers validated. And in a few days, we will sign the commercial contract.

The Nsts, 160 employees sent unemployed …

After the stage of Diamniadio, the ministerial delegation, all screaming sirens, treaded the soil of Thies. Where the New Textile Companies of Senegal (Nsts) live on dark days. Shut down for 8 months, this company is rotting under the weight of its debt. A 400 million CFA francs bounty due to the National Bank for Economic Development (Bnde). Which financed the Nsts Working Capital Fund annually. Moreover, it is this unpaid debt that caused the loss of the company, causing suddenly technical unemployment of 160 employees. A situation that pushed the State of Senegal has found emergency solutions, through the Department of Industry and Small and Medium Industry, to redress the company.

To do this, the competent authorities have met the actors around a table, the aim being to identify together solutions of crisis exit. Moustapha Diop: "We are in the process of developing our industrial development strategy. Among the priorities is the textile sector. We came to help the Nsts who is in the abyss and sent 160 unemployed employees. A situation due to the non-renewal of the annual line of credit up to 400 million FCfa of the National Bank of Economic Development (Bnde). On May 9, 2018, the Restructuring Committee for Firms in Difficulty met. Different outflows of crisis have been found. Firstly, according to the Minister, it is necessary for the Bnde to agree to acquire part of the land of the Nsts. Secondly, the Nsts must agree to sell its non-factory land to revive its working capital. Tertio, the Fonsis must enter the shareholding of the Nsts.

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