Direct National Assembly – Mamadou Lamine Diallo becomes a lawyer of the APS, descends the ARTP and refuses to vote the budget of Bibi Baldé


"Minister, I will not vote your budget for three reasons." It is with these words that the president of the Tekki Movement addressed the Minister of Communication, Telecommunications, Posts and the Digital Economy.

Mamadou Lamine Diallo continued: "The first reason is that I am not convinced of the sincerity of the budget. When we make a budget it is for forecasts. And they are made with full knowledge of the facts, with all the sincerity required. To know that these figures, which we propose to the member, we believe that is the right number.

The economist adds: "Last year here, at the end of 2017, it was in cacophony that the budget was voted. 2018, there were budget codes in departments. It is clear, clean and precise. The Minister of Culture himself when he came to the technical commission, he acknowledged. I believe that those who base the budget know that these numbers will not be respected. This is the reason for which, I will not vote this budget.

The second reason for the MP, not to vote this code, is the case of the APS (Senegalese News Agency). "You have to take into account the APS. They asked for more than a billion, I do not know we give them hundreds of millions, it's not enough. Everyone knows how much people who work at APS are competent "

Finally, the third point evokes M Diallo, "it's on the ARTP. The ARTP is 12 billion. I do not know what they do. Nobody can tell me that there was an application that was supported, developed by the ARTP. In this country young people are gifted to do programs, to do computer science, but the ARTP does not support them. Strengthen the ARTP in the new electronic communication code, not what? ".

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