The women's and students' association organized yesterday a day of blood donation. A ceremony at the end of which 500 pockets will be collected for the National Center for Blood Transfusion (Cnts)
Cnts alert on the blood shortage to react more than one. Coud and the students met yesterday in the lobby of Pavilion A to save lives. "The context is that right now, across the country, we are seeing that there is a blood shortage. With regard to this situation, we really wanted to contribute to the national momentum which is really giving our blood to help those who need it, who are Senegalese and can also be our parents ", said Dr. Ndof Seck, head of the medical department of Coud. "We are targeting 500 blood bags for today at the big campus, and next Wednesday Aline Sitoé Diatta (ex Claudel). We make weekly donations to Cnts, but as there is a shortage these days, we roll up our sleeves to help a neighbor, "he said. Sheikh Sall, chief administrative officer of Coud, for his part, was pleased with this symbolic act. "For the first time, in human memory, there is such an association where students organize blood donations in partnership with Coud," he said.
Khady Thiam COLY
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