Drama of Demba Diop: The Mbour Stadium pays homage to its "martyrs"


XALIMANEWS: The supporters' committee of the Stade de Mbour pays homage to its dead at the Demba Diop stadium. Faced with the press, the communication officer of this committee, Niokhor Diouf, presented "the memorial". "This July 15, we wish to pay a great tribute to our martyrs. But also to let the authorities know that Mbour still claims the care of the wounded.

And that Mbour continues to seek justice. As part of the program scheduled this Sunday, July 15, a Quran recital will be held at the Great Mosque of Mbour. But also a mass at the Parish of St. Martha of Mbour. At 5 pm, a silent march is planned from the municipal stadium to that called Caroline Faye

All football players are also invited to the gala match scheduled from 18 hours, the same day. Eight Mbourois died in the collapse of part of the stands, following clashes between supporters of the Stade de Mbour and those of the Uso. The two teams met in the final of the Coupe de la Ligue.

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