The scene took place in a bar at Dieuppeul. In Ndao, a 26-year-old girl had arrived on the night of July 11 to 12, 2018. When she was out for the 5 o'clock shots, she was drunk. A public and obvious drunkenness that will cause him a lot of damage according to the daily L'Observateur
It is a curious affair of drunkenness. The scenario that "gentlemen and women" lived the night of July 11 to 12. A ndao who freely chose the oldest profession in the world (prostitution) no longer held on his legs after a well-watered evening. It was difficult for her to return to her home. A police patrol of the Commissariat Dieupeul who furrowed the area told him to present his identification. But it was not counting on the insolence of the latter who found nothing but pouring in the verbal violence.
In fine, the sex worker was mastered after a fierce resistance and led manu militari to the post from police. Questioned about the reasons for her loss, she denies and kicks the thesis of drunkenness. According to her, she was stopped by a civilian police officer while she was about to take a taxi home. And on that, she used inappropriate words. But under the insistence of the policeman who wanted to handcuff her, she struggled. "I thought I was in my rights, that's why I opposed the police." Finally, she apologized but nevertheless, she was deferred.
Birama THIOR / Senegal7
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