Economy – Wind: immediate boarding? – Small Posters of the Alpes-Maritimes


While France has thousands of kilometers of coastline, our country still has no wind at sea, despite the good intentions shown on renewable energy. This paradox should be corrected soon since the government gave the green light to the exploitation (contested) of two wind farms located for one in Vendée off the island of Yeu and Noirmoutier, and for the other in front of Dieppe and Tréport in Seine-Maritime.

The decrees were published in the Official Journal to enable 496 MW of production in Vendée and a fleet of sixty-two turbines on the second site. The installations will be carried out on the "public maritime domain" and must be completed before July 2024, deadline of the development permit granted.

In the South-Paca region, President Renaud Muselier intends to develop "soft" energies (biomass, solar) and does not forbid the wind, including at sea. But our shoreline of the Côte d'Azur is it does not lend itself to such installations, to say nothing of ecological and aesthetic considerations …

Wind: immediate boarding? Jean-Michel Chevalier

Visual of a (illustration) DR

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