ECOWAS regulators for a better quality of telecommunications service


A West African Telecommunication Regulators Assembly (ARTAO) Validation Workshop for Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) Management in Africa West opened on Monday in Abidjan to allow the regulators of this part of the continent called "Western Corridor" to "speak the same language", found APA on the spot in the Ivorian economic capital.

For four days, the fifteen member countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) plus Mauritania forming ARTAO, will provide the subregion with new guidelines. quality management of services with an update of quality control indicators of services to guarantee quality services to consumers

" We are here in Abidjan to validate this study which was with the support of ITU (International Telecommunication Union). Since the sector is a dynamic sector, the regulations must be as dynamic to face the daily challenges "ARTAO Executive Secretary El Hadj Maman Laminou told reporters.

We want more a collaborative regulation and not a repressive collaboration. That is why we are trying to prevent so that there is no coercion between us and the actors who are in the sector "he continued.

M. Laminou also argued that "if today we have access to all ICT services in Africa, however, quality is not there."

"Our Role as Regulators is to ensure the quality of service to consumers that we are all, "said the Executive Secretary of ARTAO, noting that" poor service results in a loss of time and cost to the consumer. " "We must definitely solve this problem that we live every day," concluded Mr. Laminou.

In the same vein, the Director General of the Telecommunications / ICT Regulatory Authority of Côte d'Ivoire (ARTCI) Bilé Diéméléou, insisted that "our role as regulatory authority is to allow the consumer to benefit from good service."

"We are meeting here in Abidjan with ECOWAS to show that this is a an activity that is important to us in serving consumers, "he continued, explaining that" it is a subregional workshop for the regulators of this part of the so-called West Corridor to be able to speak the same way. language. "

" So there are guidelines that will be analyzed so that we have the same way of doing things. That's why today we talk about roaming. When you go to a country in this corridor, you will also need to be reassured of the quality of service of its networks. If you are used to assessments here, if you come to these countries, you will see that it is the same assessment, "concluded the Director General of ARTCI.

(Source: APA, July 16, 2018) [19659011] Comments


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