Electoral file and sponsorship: the FRN will go on Thursday


Dakar, Nov. 28 (APS) – The Social and Democratic Front of National Resistance (FRN, opposition) confirmed Wednesday the holding, Thursday at 15h, of the "great march" that it planned to organize, to demand control of the electoral register and denounce the system of sponsorship of candidatures for the presidential election of February 24th.

Members of the Front, composed of opposition parties, said during a press briefing, that this march will take place between the Obelisk Square and Senegalese Radio Broadcasting (RTS, public).

"We can ask to check the electoral register whenever necessary, it is our right, and we also believe that the sponsorship system is not in accordance with the law," said Oumar Sarr, national coordinator Senegalese Democratic Party (PDS, opposition).

The law "must be respected", he said, adding, "We will fight for it".

He said that "when walking, there will be many banners" on which will be written "all claims" of the opposition.

"We want the law to be respected The electoral roll is constantly evolving without us being able to control it We will make a march tomorrow and throughout the period preceding the presidential election," added Bruno d'Erneville, leader of the Citizen Action Party (PAC) and member of the Front.

The members of the Social and Democratic Front of National Resistance also denounced the bill on the Electronic Communications Code currently under consideration in the National Assembly. They want a rejection of this law by MPs.

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