Electoral file, voter cards: opposition works to be heard


Dakar, Nov. 29 (APS) – The Social Democratic Front of National Resistance (FRN, opposition) held a march on Thursday afternoon in Dakar, demanding in particular its access to the electoral register and denouncing what it considers discrimination in the distribution of voter cards for the presidential election of February 24, 2019.

Members of the Front, composed of opposition parties, walked from the Obelisk Square to the Doudou Ndiaye roundabout "Rose", in front of the Senegalese Radio Broadcasting (RTS, public).

They beat the pavement on the Avenue de Gaulle, carrying banners bearing all their demands relating in particular to the electoral register and the withdrawal of voter cards.

The coordinator of the Senegalese Democratic Party (PDS), Oumar Sarr, one of the spokespersons of the day, called on the opposition to make a bloc to demand the establishment of an "independent and consensual entity" charged to organize the presidential election of 24 February.

The Mayor of the commune of Dieuppeul-Derklé, Cheikh Gueye, of the coalition "Taxawou Senegal ak Khalifa", lamented a "discriminatory distribution" voter cards.

"We demand a non-discriminatory distribution of voter cards that sleep in prefectures or sub-prefectures," he said.

The Minister of the Interior, Aly Ngouille Ndiaye, speaking Tuesday during the plenary of the National Assembly devoted to the examination of the draft budget of his department for the 2019 exercise, assured that there is only a single electoral file in Senegal and not three as the opposition suggests.

Concerning the concerns over the reliability of the electoral register, he reassured MEPs by recalling the conclusions of the report of the audit of the electoral process commissioned by the European Union (EU) in February 2018.

According to him, the auditors concluded their report as follows: "Therefore, we can state that the file, while improving, is coherent, of good quality and constitutes a solid basis for the organization of the next elections".

The Minister of the Interior also pronounced on the request of the candidates declared in the presidential election to dispose of the electoral register.

Aly Ngouille recalled in this respect the provisions of the Electoral Code stipulating that the National Independent Electoral Commission (CENA) is responsible for "ensuring that the list of voters by polling station, is given at least fifteen days before the polling date. , to candidates and lists of candidates, in electronic and paper form ''.

With regard to voter cards, he suggested to political actors "to encourage members and sympathizers of their parties to withdraw their voter's card in order to exercise their right to vote".

According to him, currently, "8 million cards are produced including 6,500,000 liveries", these documents are given to the General Directorate of Elections [DGE], by the Directorate of File Automation [DAF], which routes them to the different places of withdrawal, he said.

The march of the Social and Democratic Front of National Resistance took place under a strong police escort, without any clash or overflow.

Next Thursday, another demonstration is planned in front of the Ministry of the Interior, announced Oumar Sarr.

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