Electoral violence in sight: Assembly sets the tone • Rewmi.com


The gesture perpetrated on Monday by the deputies in the National Assembly struck the Senegalese, as if it were an isolated act. However, it is not.

The Assembly is a useless national assembly of men and women paid graciously to maintain a political clientele.

The formalism that requires them to pass laws and control institutions is a blissful and sad imitation of French institutions. Here at home, the member does not serve much more.

The proof is that bills go through the mail and there are almost no bills. In concrete terms, Senegal could do without its Assembly.

As a result, the public treasury does not need to maintain 150 people to do little. We would have had 50 members, that would be too much.

And talking about '' Diaspora MPs '' is even more of a heresy, because they are just going to do figuration, like their colleagues.

So, they fight, it's hardly a surprise for us. Because, it is the ambient political step. The tension is palpable. Everyone is aware of it. People insult themselves through the press and even inside their own political formations. All this is not a secret for anyone. So, that MPs extend this arena in the hemicycle, should not be surprising. Basically, the Assembly serves precisely to assert the steps of the Executive and to express the political weight of the one who has the majority by allowing him to acquire privileges and dictating his law.

So the minority opposition can not cope. Otherwise, it will be squashed both literally and figuratively.

El Hadji Diouf was formerly attacked and practically beaten by a deputy at the time of Wade's Magisterium. Well, it's here, the same thing. Those who dare to challenge those who hold the strength of the moment will be crushed. No doubt about it.

This is to say that the National Assembly sets the tone of future violence that everyone fears.

A few weeks before the elections, power and opposition will not be gifts and will be ready to fight, by all means.

What happened in the Assembly on Monday is symptomatic of the deleterious political climate in which we bathe and reveals the true face of what is really watching us.

If members can not restrain themselves, how can we expect it from simple workers, farmers, traders, etc.? ?

It's been a long time since we switched to violence as the settlement of contradictions. In couples, politics, sport, in short, in intersubjective relationships, is the reign of moral and even physical violence.

This moral violence is also the imprisonment of opponents, withdrawal of the approval of an NGO, threats against civil society, insults against opponents, insults against the President on social networks, etc. .

Physical violence is the unexplained death of individuals, men or women, for political or family reasons, by executors but also sponsors almost never unmasked.

The family of Fatimata Makhtar Ndiaye of the EESC is right to demand a trial because things are unclear, the sponsors of those who unearthed the tombs in the cemeteries are not unmasked, killings like that of Medinatul Salam are not judged, etc. .

So, it is not surprising that as the elections approach, things are going to increase.

In 2012, we lost Mamadou Diop and so many others who died for nothing. In 2019, if we are not careful, it will be worse.

In any case, the population must not count on a political class already intoxicated by the power obtained or coveted. For her, all means are good.

And the National Assembly is a field of violence like so many others.

Assane Samb

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