Emmanuel Macron tries to renew the dialogue with the social partners


The president receives for the first time the eight main trade union and employer leaders to discuss the very busy social agenda of the autumn.

 Pascal Pavageau, secretary general of Force Ouvrière (FO), on his arrival at the Elysee July 17.

This is a first. After seeing them separately in May and October 2017, Emmanuel Macron receives together, Tuesday, July 17, the eight main union and employer leaders. The objective: to discuss the major economic and social projects that will be implemented in the coming months, including the poverty plan, unemployment insurance and pensions. In other words, the president will try to clear the social terrain.

The leaders of the three employers' organizations (Medef, CPME and U2P) and the five representative trade union centers (CFDT, CGT, FO, CFE-CGC and CFTC) arrived shortly before 9 am at the Elysee for a meeting that will last two hours. This appointment must "lay the foundation for a new social contract, that of the century that opens", announced the head of state before the Congress last week.

Pascal Pavageau, secretary general of Force Ouvrière (FO) for nearly three months, who replaced Jean-Claude Mailly in April at the head of the power station, is delighted, in an interview with Parisien, to be finally received by Emmanuel Macron. "It's been two months that we are asking to be heard by the executive" he explains, adding that he would like "that this appointment becomes annual".

Read also :
                Macron and the unions, foot change

"The policy of" I walk alone "is zero point"

M. Pavageau, who wants to be more offensive than his predecessor, calls the tenant of the Elysee to a radical change in terms of method. "There must be a before and after 17 July. The politics of the "I walk alone" led for a year by the president on the social, it is zero point ", tance he

He considers in particular that " there is a risk of radicalization of the movements " for lack of negotiations. The new boss of FO wants to example the recent conflict at the SNCF. "To be so brutal, to refuse negotiation, one slips on a very dangerous slope", he warns. But, whatever happens, Mr. Pavageau is already threatening a mobilization in September 1945 to "stop this mortiferous policy on the social level."

A feeling shared by others social partners, who also plan to take advantage of this meeting to defend their role in the face of a power that they believe is misguided. François Asselin (CPME) estimates that "we need intermediary bodies to make the reforms accepted by the greatest number" .

"It's hard to follow"

Barely elected at the head of Medef, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux criticized, too, the Macron method: "It is clear that there is a problem of speed. This government is going very fast, proposing a lot of reforms. It's hard to follow. For his part, Laurent Berger intends to send a message to Mr. Macron: "I will tell him " too often you want to go alone and it's not good (…) for the quality of desired reforms "".

On the side of the CGT, Philippe Martinez expects the head of state that "he changes social policy" and that "he speaks of purchasing power , increase of wages, increase of pensions [de retraite] "

Unexpected, the eight union and employer leaders met last week. Their goal: to get out of a role of "stooge" of the government by setting a social agenda independent of the schedule imposed on them by the executive. They must meet again in September.

In addition, Emmanuel Macron will receive Tuesday afternoon a hundred bosses, including those of the main French groups, to ask them to take "immediate commitments, visible, creative creations. jobs and hiring apprentices, particularly in difficult neighborhoods.

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