Ethiopia must do more to attract investors according to Prime Minister


ADDIS-ABABA (Reuters) – Ethiopia's economy has seen slower-than-expected growth in 2017-2018, the country's new prime minister, Abiy Ahmed, said on Friday. to inspire investors' confidence.

"We must work (to ensure that) investors have full confidence in the country," he told parliament, adding that growth has been less than 10% but more than 9% over the fiscal year ending at the end of the month.

Since taking office in April, Abiy Ahmed, who for the first time in the history of the country comes from the Oromo ethnic group , has stepped up measures to change the way in which Ethiopia and its 100 million people are managed.

In particular, it introduced economic reforms, including a plan to encourage the entry of foreign capital into the economy. public assets

Abiy Ahmed notably pointed out that the country was suffering from a shortage of foreign exchange reserves, adding that, to remedy this, it was necessary to greatly increase the revenues derived from the manufacturing sector.

(Maggie Fick, Benoit Van Overstraeten for the French Service)

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