Ethiopian Airlines to Facilitate Visa Procedures for Chinese Travelers


By :| Keywords : Ethiopia-China-Visa | Updated on 28-11-2018

The Ethiopian national carrier Ethiopian Airlines announced Wednesday that it will set up next January a visa service for Chinese wishing to visit 35 African countries.

Its CEO, Tewolde Gebremariam, told Xinhua that because of China's large geographic size, it was not always practical for Chinese tourists wishing to visit some African countries to obtain a visa.

"Most embassies of African countries are in Beijing, but China is a big country and some Chinese do not have the opportunity to go to Beijing to apply for visas from countries like Zimbabwe, Zambia or Nigeria, "he said.

Mr. Gebremariam recalled that his company has the largest air network in China among other African airlines, currently serving five destinations, helping Chinese and foreigners living in different parts of the country to travel directly to Ethiopia and elsewhere. in Africa without having to go through Beijing.

Ethiopian now operates daily flights from Addis Ababa to Guangzhou and Beijing and three times a week to Chengdu. The Ethiopian carrier also operates daily passenger and cargo flights to Hong Kong and Shanghai. Shenzhen and Zhengzhou should follow soon.

He intends to create a platform for visas in Addis Ababa. From the five Chinese destinations in Addis Ababa, Chinese and foreign visitors "will be able to apply for a visa in 35 African countries via their embassy in Ethiopia," Gebremariam said.

Thirty-five African countries have signed an agreement with the Ethiopian government for the visa project aimed at increasing Chinese investment prospects in Africa.

<! – enpproperty 742192372018-11-28 22: 10: 19: 360Ethiopian Airlines to Facilitate Visa Procedures for Chinese TravelersEthiopia-China-Visa10027176468topicalitytopicality News AgencyThe Ethiopian national carrier Ethiopian Airlines announced Wednesday that it will set up next January a visa service for Chinese wishing to visit 35 African countries.1/ Enpproperty ->

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