[Exclu] Fram: the interview of Alain de Mendonça and Georges Colson


The Tourist Echo: Isabelle Cordier stayed DG one year. Michel Quenot, barely longer. The post is not sustainable?

Isabelle was there for the restructuring phase, which was a particularly heavy site. Michel, for the redeployment. He leaves us for real personal reasons, you can believe me. These are two different stories.

Why not name a successor to Michel Quenot?

Alain de Mendonca: The question arose. But we have a good operational team in Toulouse, rather senior, especially with Fabien Cadio (Group Director, Ed), Renaud Marrache (Chief Operating Officer) and Fréderic Granel (DGA), not to mention France-Line Michon in Paris. For my part, I was already in an operational role as president. Becoming a general manager is a continuation of continuity, and that's a function I will be taking up since Paris. But I will not try to be omnipresent

What role will Georges Colson play as a consultant?

Alain de Mendonca: We kept in touch together. We call on Georges (who will not be paid, Ed) while the concept Framissima evolves. His point of view interests me. He is also right now at the Framissima Les Idrissides in Marrakech, on which I asked him a report of astonishment. It is typically the role of mission for which he can bring added value, especially since he knows Morocco well.

Alain, will you have other Framissima in Morocco?

Alain de Mendonca: No, we already have two beautiful porters, although we could take more rooms in a hotel. In addition to Idrissids, we switch in November on the Tafoukt in Agadir, replacing the Golden Dunes. Morocco remains one of the main historical axes of Fram, even if the Arab Spring has changed the situation.

Georges Colson (attached to Morocco): I am actually on a mission to Marrakech, although my role as consultant will not stop in Morocco. My mission is to be with the president of Fram, to bring him my know-how, my history, my relations with travel agencies. I left Fram with great sadness, but I turned the page. I'm not here to say 'They should have done otherwise'. As long as I can bring my experience for the maintenance and development of Fram, which has had a very difficult time, I will do it. No amalgam, however, I will have no operational function.

How long did you work at Fram?

Georges Colson: More than 60 years! I came back at the age of 17, and stayed until my position as Chairman of the Supervisory Board in 2015. I am 81 years old. So yes, I'm not a young partridge of the year, but I'm in great shape!

Alain, a little excluded to share with our readers?

Alain de Mendonça: We will have a Framissima in Zanzibar this winter – the agreement in principle is signed. We will also have a Framissima in Phuket.

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